Showing posts with label anger management evaluation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anger management evaluation. Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2011

What if anger management doesn't work for me?

I get this question a lot and I always want to turn it around and ask, "what if you don't work in anger management"? Like anything else in life, you reap rewards according to what you put in and how hard you work at something.

Every human being, at one time or another, has mishandled their anger. Everyone has behaved in a way that they are not proud of and wished they handled things differently. That is all part of being human.

The key to human behavior is to look at it and learn from it. In every situation is a learning experience. Most people come to anger management for a reason. Many people are sentenced by the legal system and some are given an ulitmatum by family members or spouses. I always tell my clients that it doesn't matter what brings you to anger management, what matters is where you go from here.

You have a choice with your anger and behavior. You have a choice to learn and grow every day if you are willing. Anger management gets a bad rap because most people expect anger management to "work for them" and put very little effort into their own life. You need to work anger management or it won't work for you.

Get into a good anger management class. Or, consider anger management through a counselor or therapist. Then it is up to you to get active in changing your life. A counselor doesn't change your life. A class won't change your life. You change your life. I get many people at who when finished with the program send me emails of thanks and tell me how great the class was for them. Of course I am always happy to hear of good experiences in my anger management class, but the truth is the client is the one who changes his life. A class or counselor can be a catalyst, but the client is the one who works the class and I am quick to give the credit right back to them.

Anger management does work, but you have to work anger management. Get motivated to make changes in your life. Get excited to implement new techniques and new challenges in your life. The investment in anger management gives you many good, worthwhile returns.