Showing posts with label anger management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anger management. Show all posts

Thursday, April 11, 2013

I think this will create quite a stir. As you know I am always interested in thought provoking stories regarding anger management. This is a story I found on Fox News and am interested in your thoughts? Good idea? Bad idea? A Florida state Senator proposed a bill Saturday that would require an individual to take anger management classes before being allowed to buy ammunition. Democrat state Sen. Audrey Gibson tried to explain her ludicrous thinking that an individual should have to complete anger management classes every 10 years in order to buy ammunition to Fox News: “This is not about guns. This is about ammunition and not only for the safety of the general community, but also for the safety of law enforcement,” Gibson said, adding, “It’s about getting people to think, really, about how much ammunition they need.” According to Fox News, the bill, which would be a second-degree misdemeanor to violate, reads: It is unlawful to: A) Sell ammunition to another person who does not present certification that he or she has successfully completed an anger-management program consisting of at least 2 hours of online or face-to-face instruction in anger-management techniques. The certification must be renewed every 10 years. B) Purchase or otherwise obtain ammunition by fraud, false pretense, or false representation. Critics of the bill called it exactly what it is, “absolutely ridiculous,” and some suggested Gibson “take a course on the U.S. Constitution,” the article said. Sean Caranna, executive director of a pro second amendment Fla. nonprofit, told Fox News, “When I first saw it, I thought it had to be a joke.” Orlando attorney Jon Gutmacher called the bill an “insult” to all the state’s gun owners and slammed Gibson for even proposing it: It’s absurd on its face. And anyone who proposes that legislation is in my mind unfit for the legislature because it shows a basic problem with their thinking process, aside from their lack of understanding of what the Constitution is all about. That’s the kind of bill that doesn’t even get past committee.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Can anger management help couples?

The answer is yes.

Anger management is more than simple "anger management." At we go into all aspects of anger including the concept that anger is a secondary emotion. Something is happening first to cause discomfort and then comes the behavior which is often acted out in anger.

Anger can be very distructive to relationships. It breaks down communication. It breaks down intimacy. It makes the relationship feel unsafe.

Anger can be managed and relationships can improve when one or both partners understand the root of anger. is an easy online anger management class that both of you can take on your own time and schedule.

Start learning anger management today. Start improving your relationship today!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

There are so many anger management programs out there. How do I choose?

Good question. There are many anger management programs out there and going through all of them can be very time consuming. Some of the important things to look for is if the person is licensed. Courts look more favorably on a program if the person running the program is licensed. Can you contact the owner and speak to him/her? How long has the program been in business? Are the instructors certified in anger management facilitation? Do they associate themselves with professional organizations in their field? Do they have an email address to ask questions? Does the anger management program provide an About Us on the site? Do you get to know who is on the other side of the screen teaching you?

Does paying more for the class mean you are getting more quality? No. There are many quality programs out there such as who strive to bring a quality program at a fraction of the cost. has been online since 2002 at the same price point in an effort to make affordable anger management available to everyone. If you are looking for an anger management program take your time and go through the key points above. Email and call if you have questions. Get all of your questions answered so that you feel comfortable in learning anger management.