Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Do you have an anger problem?

Do you have an anger problem?

Are you wondering if you have a problem keeping your anger under control? Are others telling you that you have a problem and you don’t see it? Take a few minutes to answer the questions below to see if you could benefit from taking an anger management class.

I have been experiencing episodes of anger for at least the past 6 months.
Yes________ No ________

I experience anger much more often than those around me.Yes________ No ________

When I experience anger, my anger is:

More intense than most others _________ Less intense than most others _________
The same as most others ___________

When I experience anger, my anger seems to last: Longer than most people ________
Shorter than most people ________ The same as most people ____________

Because of my angry feelings, I have experienced:________________________

Damage to relationships with partners, children, coworkers or friends._______________
Problems functioning at work.________ Inability to handle difficult situations._________ Experiences with the court system.________ Health problems________

Dwelling on problems, worrying, guilt/shame.Angry feelings are keeping me from life goals.
Yes _________ No _________

I think I could be more successful in my life if I could have better control of my feelings.
Yes __________ No _________

There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. Only you can determine if you need help in managing your anger. If you decide that anger plays a bigger role in your life than you would like it to, do something about it. Come to and start learning new techniques to manage your anger.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Is anger management a waste of time?

Anger Management: Does it work or is it a waste of time?
By Kathy Garber
There has been much controversy in the past regarding anger management and its usefulness in changing old angry behaviors that have been around with most adults for a lifetime. Statistics are now starting to show the positive benefits of anger management with people who are actively involved in a quality program and practicing what they are learning on a daily basis. Anger does have a best part. The best part of your angry behavior is that you are in charge of it and you control its outcome.
You may be wondering what is so great about being in charge of your anger, after all it is causing you problems in your life. The reason I think being in charge of your own anger is a good thing is because you have the power to change it for the better. No one can tell you how to do it, you don’t need to buy something expensive to fix it, you just need determination and the desire to manage your anger. Anger management should be about you working on a specially designed program that is right for your life.
So many times people attend a structured anger management program that tells them exactly what to do and how to manage their anger. The problem with that philosophy of anger management is that one program does not fit all. Everyone’s needs are different and who likes to be told what to do or what is right for their own life?
That in itself can cause you to fail in anger management because you might not be able to comply with the program. Who is more an expert of you and your life than you are? The answers in anger management come from within you. They are there; they just might need some shaking up. If you are ready to learn about your anger, ready to make some changes that are right for your life, ready to practice what you are learning on a daily basis to make your life better; come to and start the process.
You don’t have to wait any longer. No more excuses.